We just finished a three day stint that included two heli evacuations for High Altitude Pulmonary Edema. Now Lexi and I are heading out for a few days of R&R. More like endless uphill hiking. The snow is sticking above 4000m so we've got all our winter gear packed. My task before we leave is to integrate the photovoltaic charge controllers with the variable (crappy) performance of the local hydroelectric power. Our oxygen concentrator uses a lot of power. By the time our latest patient left, our batteries were down to 11.8 volts.
Martin had a great 39th birthday. He's deciding which pair of new skis he wants when we get back. We went for a 24km hike and then came back to a Big Brown Birthday Cake. I'm calling it brown because it was, and because there was absolutely no flavor of chocolate in the whole thing. It did look impressive, though. Steven and Misty whipped up some gnocchi with a mushroom wine sauce which was awesome after so many nights of lentils.
We had our 2nd helicopter evacuation, and my first case of actual High Altitude Pulmonary Edema. A Spanish woman stumbled into the clinic after becoming sick the night before in a town about 2500ft lower than Manang. Her Peruvian guide decided the best thing to do was load her on a horse and bring her UP 2500ft to Manang (unfortunately for her, the primary treatment of altitude problems is DESCENT). When she got here, her O2 saturation was 58% (normal is 95%!) and she was literally dying: pale, diaphoretic, not talking. Luckily, we were able to stabilize her with O2 and medications. (Kim you would be proud of my RN skills!) We flew her out the next morning to Kathmandu, and we're glad to hear she is doing much better.
We are now out of whiskey. The situation is grim. Coffee is holding on, and I've got 5 swiss chocolate bars left. Tough times ahead. We also had more goat. This time not so shocking, I mean, what's a little cashmere hair in your stew?
To the Sun Valley Ladies Contingent: So glad you're ripping it up, hope you get to ride Chocolate Gulch and Oregon Gulch, eat sushi and Mexican food, have smoothies, oogle sweet bikes, etc. I'm jealous and haven't even seen a bike in 3 weeks. Jessica, Hold your Line Kona Girl has gotten me through many cold evenings, loud Hindi music filled bus rides, and I would love a reprise!
Erica, what can I say, Bailey is (like me) an only child! Sharing is hard! Sounds like you've got her figured out. Hope you cabinets and canning projects are both going well. I've been thinking about the accordian offer, but Martin is against it.
Wow, the intrigue and adventure continues! Martin's birthday cake looked good, so someone must have cared enough to try to make it look like chocolate. He is probably already their favorite electrician/contractor/builder/teacher.
ReplyDeleteWe had a light layer of snow this past week that melted right away. Today, we are having 1-3 inches here and 4-5 inches in the south/southeast of the state. The trees haven't even turned yet, but the freeze has been hard so most fall flowers are done. It is just too soon, too soon. . . .
Susan and Karl stopped on their way home to Groton Sunday. Susan turns 70 November 7, and is looking forward to a surprise trip somewhere for her birthday. She brought us Ole & Lena Fortune Cookies from some Scandinavian store in Decorah, Iowa. Mine said: Ole asked Lena to run downtown and find him a pair of loafers. Lena came back with two Swedes. (I can only assume that they get better the more we open. . .)
Hi Martin & Lexi!
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't believe the size of that millipede even with the ruler there to confirm it. I sure enjoy your pictures.
Martin, it seems like you did electrical work the last time you were in Nepal. Hurrah for your experience.
Gnocci is so wonderful; I had it with fresh crab meat on Prince Edward Island; Oh, food memories.
Cashmere: You may not have room but if you bring cashmere yarn home, I'll make scarves or hats as your souvenirs of Napal.
Lexi, I'm sure your doctoring skills are much appreciated there and that you're happy to have another doctor on site to share the responsibility. It sure in interesting to hear about your experiences.
Meanwhile, Molly's bed & breakfast is in full swing. Betsy is coming down Wed - Sun this week and Becky is coming down next week, Fri - Sun.
I'm working on Julie's old witch costume to downsize it for Alice, Halloween is coming.
Lex - Sorry to hear about the whiskey, that must be hard. I'll dedicate my next drink of single malt to you.
ReplyDeleteSame goes for you Martin regarding the cake. While it sure looks good, I'll dedicate my next chocolate consumption to you. Let me know too, if you need me to do any ski research, a task I thoroughly enjoy.
Thanks for all the great posts on the blog.
All the best, Jeff W.